Fat freezing as in an effective way of targeting stubborn areas of fat that can be more difficult to shift. Fat freezes at a higher temperature than the other cells in your body so it damages the fat cells but nothing else. It gives an aesthetic shape change but does not necessarily show on the scales abut it can help give a smoother line by reducing some of the fat in the treated area. It is not painful and there are no needles. Results can vary and its important to follow the post treamtnet advice
We have two different types of fat freezing technology. Our original machine has suction that runs through the machine and holds the areas in place for a 45 minute session.
Our premium machine is newer award winning technology and there are only a handful of clinics in this UK that have this machine. This machine treats both the subcutaneos fat (the fat you can pinch) and the deeper visceral fat which is closer to the organs. This machine also gives significantly quicker results as the treamtment starts by stumulating points of the spine called metameres which are part of our sympathetci nervosu system. By doing this it enables our organs to work more efficiently which is part of what helps results.
Areas of the body that can be treated with fat freezing:
- tummy
- hips
- inner thighs
- the area below the buttocks
- knees
- legs
- male chest area
Please drop us a message at hello@thebodylabwiltshire.co.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The cells that die away are permanently destroyed but you can still gain weight because you have fat cells that remain so you need to maintain with your lifestyle. You can have more than one treatment in the same area if you want (providing suitable safe gap is left)
With out standard suction machine, results develop fully across 12 weeks after the treatment. With our premium machine, some people small immediate change but results develop more fully across the next 2-4 weeks so its much quicker
It isn't painful but it feels cold and can be red and feel slightly numb afterwards. Both these things are temporary and will subside within 24-48 hours. There is the potential to bruise but this does not happen to everyone.
Anyone who wants to reduce fat in an area. Typically if you are within 1.5 stone of your ideal weight for your height you, once treatment should be sufficient, if you are outside this you are likely to need more sessions to see a visible change. We offer free consultations so please do book one one line via the button above if you would like to arrange one.
Our latest treatment for both men and women builds muscle by an average of 16% and reduces fat by an average of 19%. It uses high intensity focused electro magnetic energy and a single session cases thousand of super powerful muscle contractions - in fact its the equivalent of 20,00 sit ups or squats in a single session.
The treatment can be used on:
- stomach
- buttocks
- arms
- legs
Please drop us message at hello@thebodylabwiltshire.co.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The procedure feels like an intensive work out. There are no needles and no pain, it feels slightly strange but no discomfort
You will complete an online medical history form prior to the appointment to check you are a suitable candidate (there are a small number of contra indictions with this treatment and it is best suited to clients with a BMI of less than 30). At the appointment, the therapist will run though the treatment with you in more detail and discuss your medical history form during the consultation. Once the treatment starts, you can remain fully clothed and you will lie down whilst the paddles from the machine are placed on the area to to be treated. The machine then runs though 3 different cycles alternating across a 30 minute session.
We will tailor a plan to suit you but to see results the recommendation is to have to have 2 30 minute sessions a week, for 2 weeks. Some people may benefit from further sessions.
Typically, you will begin to feel the results after your first few treatments, and may notice some changes as the course progresses, positive results are normally seen 4 weeks after last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments. Results do vary from person to person and lifestyle will play a part on the long terms results. Having a single session either monthly , bi monthly or quarterly help to maintain results long term
We use two different technologies (called HIFU and RF) to smooth, firm, tighten and improve the appearance of the skin
This is done without needles and is virtually pain free.
HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound and it deposits energy below the surface of he skin. This stimulates the creation of new and shortening of existing collagen, and helps to firm, tighten and lift the skin
Radio frequency uses a combination of ultrasound technology and can also increase the metabolism of adipose fat, reducing the volume of fat cells and stimulating lymphatic drainage, It also triggers the production of collagen
Areas of the body the treatment can be used on include:
- stomach
- inner thighs
- back of legs
- arms
- decolletage area
- above knees
Please reach us at hello@thebodylabwiltshire.co.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
It is important to allow 12 weeks for results to develop fully, results develop gradually across this time
No there is no downtime after this treatment, your skin may be a little red and in some cases there is the potential to bruise, particularly in areas such as arms
These treatments typically require a course, anywhere between 2 and 16 treatments. The number depends on the appearance of the skin to start with and the age of the client. Its best to either arrange a free consultation or send us a picture of the area but a consultation is better so we can see your skin
There is no pain or discomfort with radio frequency it feels like a warm massage. HIFU can have a slight amount of occasional momentary discomfort in some areas where the energy is used on arms in particualr
using a range of technology and wood massage therapy tools to support lymphatic drainage we bespoke the treatment to you to help reduce the appearance of cellulite
it is important to follow post treatment advice and results can vary
The Body Lab Wiltshire
Unit 19, The Orbit Centre, Ashworth Road, Swindon SN5 7YG
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